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福特 嘉年華 30年車齡 30萬公里里程數

油門有延遲 剎車有延遲 後視鏡有死角 倒車憑感覺

上了快速道路 為了搞清楚車況 不開收音機

發現 時速100公里時 有微妙的共振聲

降速 慢慢開 欣賞超車 漂亮的車尾燈

車體的避震 已經老化 可以明顯 感受路況

放開方向盤 這次沒有微微偏斜 看來保養廠有調整

熱了 玻璃起霧 不開空調 打開窗戶 呼吸車輛排出的 不完全燃燒空氣

結論: 這是台好老車! 安全到家!

Ford Festiva 30 years old 300,000 kilometers

Throttle is delayed Braking is delayed Rearview mirrors have blind spots Reverse by feeling

On the expressway In order to find out the condition of the car Don’t turn on the radio

Discover 100 kilometers per hour There is a subtle resonance sound

Slow down Drive slowly Appreciate overtaking Beautiful car taillights

Body shock absorbers Has aged Can be obvious Feel the road conditions

Let go of the steering wheel No slight deflection this time It seems that the maintenance shop has made adjustments

Hot Glass fogging No air conditioning Open the window Breathing vehicle exhaust Incomplete combustion air

Conclusion: This is a good old car! Get home safely!

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