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在重新拜訪的過程中,發現 許多人,分享旅遊,讓我看到不同的世界。 許多人,分享美食,讓我看到藝術般的擺盤、食材跟料理。 許多人,分享家庭還有生活中的故事,讓我看到生活溫馨的每個時刻。 有些人,已經變隱形人,不更新了。祝福活得好。 有些人,已經離開這個世界,祝福RIP。

看起來,現在的方式, 我得要強硬地去各位的FB按讚,留言,才有可能突破演算法的封鎖。




In the past few years, I have often felt that the messages posted by FB are strange, and a lot of friends have disappeared.

So I took a stupid approach and visited every friend’s FB.

Then, I discovered again that my friends didn’t disappear, they were just hidden by FB.

During my revisit, I discovered Many people shared their travels, allowing me to see a different world. Many people shared their delicious food, allowing me to see the artistic presentation, ingredients, and cooking. Many people shared family and life stories, allowing me to see every sweet moment of life. Some people have left this world, RIP. Some people have become invisible and will not update. Bless you to live well.

It seems the way it is now, I have to forcefully go to your FB to like and write some comments, so that I can break through the blockade of the algorithm.

This process of breaking through the blockade may take a long time!

Bless us to see each other’s existence!

Bless us!

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