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老婆婆: “你們那個’無障礙服務窗口’,是在說你們沒有’障礙服務窗口’嗎?”

行員: “什麼’障礙服務窗口’? 你是說桌上這個’無障礙服務窗口’牌子嗎? 那個是說這個櫃檯的桌子比較低,方便服務坐輪椅的人,才叫’無障礙’,不是我們銀行沒有’障礙服務窗口’歐!”

老婆婆: “我怎麼一直覺得,’無’、’障礙服務窗口’,就是沒有’障礙服務窗口’勒!”

行員: “…”

The Chinese character for “無” sometimes presents difficulties in interpretation.

In 2024, one day I was at the bank.

Old lady: “That ‘accessible service window’ of yours, are you saying that you don’t have a ‘disabled service window’?”

Clerk: “What’s a ‘disabled service window?’ Are you talking about the ‘accessible service window’ sign on the table? It means that the table at this counter is relatively low, making it easier to serve people in wheelchairs, so it’s called ‘accessible.’” It’s not that our bank doesn’t have a ‘disabled service window!’”

Old woman: “Why do I always feel that there is no ‘disabled service window!’”

Clerk: “…”

無障礙服務窗口 –> accessible service window
無 障礙服務窗口 –> No disabled service window

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